فارسی عربي

Iranian ‘Deer’ invited to Berlinale Generation

Iranian short ‘Deer’ is invited to the 72nd Berlin Int'l Film Festival in Germany.

Iranian short flick ‘Deer’ has been invited to take part in the Generation program of the 72nd edition of the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) in Germany.

The participation of ‘Deer’ at the Berlinale marks its international premiere.

Directed by Hadi Babaeefar, the film is about “a little boy who has to watch helplessly while his sick brother struggles to remain alive”.

“When his parents take him away to relatives, Ehsan sets off for home again through the snowy night, to defend his brother against the angel of death”, a synopsis for the film reads.

Ten feature-length films and seven short films have so far been invited to take part in the Berlinale.

Next month, the complete program will be announced.

The Berlin International Film Festival is “one of the largest public film festivals in the world, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe each year”, the website of the event reads.

The Generation program “presents films that matter – for young cineastes and everyone else”.

The 72nd edition of the festival will be held on February 10-20, 2022 as an in-person event.

